Volume 43 Issue 1
Mar.  2024
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HU Si-si, Kong Ling-hui, XIAO Jiao, HU Tian-yi, DENG Meng, YANG Guang-yao, YU Fen. Study on Leaf Structure Characteristics of Phyllostachys edulis and Its Two Variants[J]. JOURNAL OF BAMBOO RESEARCH, 2024, 43(1): 1-10. doi: 10.12390/jbr2023072
Citation: HU Si-si, Kong Ling-hui, XIAO Jiao, HU Tian-yi, DENG Meng, YANG Guang-yao, YU Fen. Study on Leaf Structure Characteristics of Phyllostachys edulis and Its Two Variants[J]. JOURNAL OF BAMBOO RESEARCH, 2024, 43(1): 1-10. doi: 10.12390/jbr2023072

Study on Leaf Structure Characteristics of Phyllostachys edulis and Its Two Variants

doi: 10.12390/jbr2023072
Funds:  study on the formation mechanism of multi-wall layer of bamboo culm cells;study on the mechanism of rapid internode elongation of Phyllostachys edulis
  • Received Date: 2023-12-18
  • 【Objective】 In order to unveil the functional differences of leaves of Phyllostachys edulis and its two variants,Ph. edulis 'Pachyloen’ and Ph. edulis 'Bicanna’,and their relationships with the morphological characteristics of bamboo culms.【Method】 The study employed paraffin sectioning and microscopy techniques to investigate the morphological and anatomical features of leaves,thereby three-dimensional morphological structure diagram of the leaves were created and the physiological indexes were determined through anthrone colorimetry. The study also observed variations in culm shape factors among different bamboo species,followed by a detailed examination of the correlation between leaf structure and culm shape characteristics. 【Result】 The results of this study suggest that Ph. edulis has greater leaf area bulliform cell area,and vascular bundle area,along with thicker leaves,lower epidermis and mesophyll. These specific leaf structural characteristics of Ph. edulis exceed those observed in the other two bamboo species,which is more conductive to photosynthesis. The leaf structure and culm morphology of Ph. Edulis,and its variant type,Ph. edulis 'Pachyloen’,have a strong correlation. 【Conclusion】 The structural characteristics of Ph. edulis leaves are more conducive to photosynthesis and promote the accumulation of vital substances for the growth of bamboo culms. Both Ph. edulis and its variant,Ph. edulis 'Pachyloen’,can balance resource allocation by modifying the traits of leaf and culm so as to ensure consistent growth. This study establishes a foundation for further unveiling growth and development mechanism of bamboo,providing a scientific basis for generating novel bamboo germplasm.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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